by Karen Hamberg
Every business intersects with complex global problems and urgent sustainability challenges such as climate change, energy security, the availability of clean water, the loss of biodiversity, poverty, social justice and environmental health. It would be easy to be overwhelmed by the scale of these issues and wonder what, if anything, a small company on the west coast of Canada can do to mobilize and drive global change.
We believe that business success is no longer solely measured “company to customer” but via its relationships with a range of stakeholders. As a clean technology leader, we recognize the responsibility we have to our employees, customers, partners, shareholders, suppliers, governments, the natural environment, academic institutions, non-government organizations (NGOs) and the neighbourhoods in which we live and work.
The decarbonisation of the transport sector requires vision, leadership and boldness. Our employees are the best source of ideas for minimizing the environmental impact of our operations and developing more innovative ways of working together. Our customers have shown environmental leadership by purchasing natural gas vehicles and are now able to earn emission credits via the Westport Carbon Project. Governments around the world are recognizing the economic, energy security, environmental and job creation benefits of natural gas vehicles. Environmental NGOs want to learn more about how reducing the carbon intensity of fuels has the potential to meaningfully reduce emissions from heavy-duty vehicles. Our partners see a tremendous opportunity to revolutionize how we move freight and people.
But of course, our role in the above-mentioned efforts is meaningless if our own house is not in order. To that end, we are pleased to share our progress in our third sustainability report providing information on our social and environmental impacts. Data from four fiscal years have been included to reflect trends, achievements and challenges. Our approach to sustainability has been driven by data and quantifiable measures but the story behind the numbers is even more compelling. More comprehensive discussion will occur on our website, and in future annual reports.
View the Westport Innovations Inc. 2010 Sustainability Report.
July 8, 2010
Get Cash Back for Buying a Low-Carbon Natural Gas Engine—Every Year!
by Karen Hamberg
Back in March, Westport announced the first global carbon finance program for transportation registered to the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS). The VCS was established to provide a rigourous, trustworthy, and innovative global standard and validation and verification program for voluntary greenhouse gas offsets. All voluntary carbon units are real, measurable, permanent, additional, conservative, independently verified, unique and transparent. By working with Grütter Consulting—the world’s leading firm linking carbon finance with clean transportation projects—the Westport Carbon Project (WCP) monetizes the emission reductions associated with Westport HD and Cummins Westport natural gas engines.
The two very different examples of TransMilenio (regulated under the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol) and the Westport Carbon Project (registered to the VCS for voluntary offset projects) highlight some of the challenges and opportunities associated with quantifying, validating and verifying emission reductions from mobile transport sources.
Let me speak to the Westport Carbon Project in greater detail:
The Challenge of Scale
Back in March, Westport announced the first global carbon finance program for transportation registered to the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS). The VCS was established to provide a rigourous, trustworthy, and innovative global standard and validation and verification program for voluntary greenhouse gas offsets. All voluntary carbon units are real, measurable, permanent, additional, conservative, independently verified, unique and transparent. By working with Grütter Consulting—the world’s leading firm linking carbon finance with clean transportation projects—the Westport Carbon Project (WCP) monetizes the emission reductions associated with Westport HD and Cummins Westport natural gas engines.
“Westport strives to offer heavy-duty vehicle engines with leading environmental performance. The WCP validates the emissions reduction benefits of natural gas engines and further supports the economic and environmental value proposition we offer to customers.” (Karen Hamberg – Director, Sustainability and Environmental Performance Westport Innovations)Globally, the transport sector is the fastest growing emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Carbon finance is the mechanism by which (CO2) reductions can be sold on the carbon markets to partially finance the measures taken to reduce these emissions. The most notable or well-recognized transportation project is the Bus Rapid Transit TransMilenio in Bogota, Colombia. The TransMilenio was the first project registered under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol and transports more than 1.8 million passengers daily through 130 kilometres of exclusive bus lanes in 1,200 articulated buses and 500 large feeder buses. The project annually reduces (CO2) emissions by 250,000 tonnes and has received more than US$100 million in carbon finance over the entire crediting period.
The two very different examples of TransMilenio (regulated under the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol) and the Westport Carbon Project (registered to the VCS for voluntary offset projects) highlight some of the challenges and opportunities associated with quantifying, validating and verifying emission reductions from mobile transport sources.
Let me speak to the Westport Carbon Project in greater detail:
The Challenge of Scale
- The cost of establishing a carbon finance project would be prohibitive for all but the largest fleets. The structure of the WCP allows Westport HD and Cummins Westport powered vehicles sold since January 1st, 2009 to be aggregated into a larger project. Vehicles sold to fleet owners worldwide including the United States, Australia, Canada and China will be included in the WCP.
- Emission reduction calculations are based on a United Nations Framework for Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) approved methodology—in our case, AMS III.C “Emission Reductions by Low Greenhouse Gas Emitting Vehicles”. The project documentation has been validated by SQS, a Swiss entity certified by UNFCCC for the validation of climate change projects in the transport field.
- The annual verification process will provide our customers with a third-party certified account of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions associated with their fleet operations.
- The voluntary carbon market has historically offered lower prices per tonne than the regulated or compliance markets. The carbon rebate cheques sent to customers as part of the WCP may be variable year to year depending on fleet data such as mileage and fuel consumption and the carbon price per tonne on the voluntary market.
- It is estimated that GHG reductions for a natural gas bus are about 20 tonnes per year, whereas a heavy-duty natural gas truck are about 40 tonnes per year as compared to an equivalent diesel engine.